Jbalvin (Instagram post translation):
Thanks to dreams, today I say goodbye to my first plane!!! After having gone through walking, night buses, borrowing or renting cars and even running out of gas. Today I return and reiterate that it is worth dreaming. What have you done today for your dreams?
Maluma (Instagram post translation):
I remember 8 years ago when I went to do an interview at a radio station X in Colombia, they closed their doors to me, apart from that, they did not believe in me and many said that I was not going to get anywhere… Well, friends Now we are going to go far!!! WELCOME TO “ROYALTY AIR” with this, we touch the Moon. Dream without fear, never believe in a NO as an answer, you are the ruller of your life and you can go as far as your mind and heart want. This is my legacy, inspire and show that DREAMS DO COME TRUE!!
Ricky Martin Chilling with Residente in Rickys private jet coming from a trip to Sweden